Kelly R. Moore Therapy LLC
About Me
I am so glad you are viewing my website! This is a first opportunity for me to communicate to you about me and the work I am able to do with people like you, so you can make an informed choice about contacting me. That is so important because feeling safe, being able to align and be authentic with a therapist, is the biggest indicator of your success. I am a clinical social worker and have really been a social worker since first grade. :) Equity, social justice, and empowerment have always been central to how I think and attempt to live. I understand my privilege and try to live a life to support others resultant of my own experiences, which does include struggles as is true with all human beings. I have been working as a social worker in agency or therapeutic settings for more than a decade and in private practice for almost that long. I have honestly seen miracles happen in my work supporting people. It is an amazing thing to experience this type of privilege. I recognize and honor that. I am so grateful to learn from every single person I am able to work with. I hope what I offer is what you seek. Thank you so much for visiting my site.